5 Linux Live CD distributions best Hacking Category

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There are lots of linux distro dedicated to security network. And most of the distribution is to use requires the installation process on the hard drive, a long time and making. Below I give some hacking linux distro system used for network security. And of course this distribution
can be directly executed without due process of installation is that LiveCD, you just need to setting up on first booting your BIOS directly to the CDROM.

1. Backtrack
Backtrack is the result of merging 2 hacking distribution of the innovative Whax or better known as the Auditor and whoppix.
Backtrack own Slackware based. And of course there have been provide a lot of software support to do PENT-test. Enough to get you to download here

2. Plans
Plans truly dedicated to be oriented to the Security System Network, which uses open source tools.
Plans own derivative of Debian-based distribution, which runs from a single bootable CD. You can get it here

PHLAK or [P] rofessional [H] acker? s [L] inux [A] ssault [K] it. Inside there are 2 types of desktop (windows manager) is fluxboxdan xfce4, and of course lots of security tools in it, and also with full documentation of the security system itself. Originally created by Alexde Landgraaf. Phlak own at this time most used by the hacker level Pro. You can get
distribution is here

4. Auditor
Although auditors have now joined the whax, but the presence of exist observable, especially choosing this distribution is something good enough for you a network of experts who try to
measure the extent to which your network security. You can get it here

Immigrants new world security in the LiveCD version. nUBUNTU itself is derived from the UBUNTU distribution which added packages for network security. You can download it here

Happy hacking!

Achmad Taufik

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